Senin, 28 November 2011

Ac1dSn0w is a New Utility to Jailbreak iOS 5 [Update]

Ac1dSn0w is a New Utility to Jailbreak iOS 5 [Update]Ac1dSn0w   Beta 1I’m pleased to announce that we’ve just released Beta 1 of Ac1dSn0w for Mac OS X Lion (should also work on Snow Leopard). Ac1dSn0w allows you to jailbreak your iDevice tethered. It also provides features like Tethered Boot, Pwned DFU, and Exit Recovery to get your device out of Recovery Loop.Supported Devices (iOS5/iOS5.0.1):iPhone 3GsiPhone 4iPod Touch 4 GiPad 1You may have to perform the following steps in order to jailbreak your device successfully.1. Download Ac1dSn0w from (Down due to legal complication)2. After downloading, open it and you’ll see the following screen:Note:You can click ‘Show Console’ to see some device related information. It also shows you...

Ih8sn0w Update sn0wbreeze v2.8b11

Ih8sn0w Update sn0wbreeze v2.8b11===============================sn0wbreeze v2.8 [BETA 11]:===============================* Supports iOS 5.0 (9A334)/5.0.1 (9A405)* Fixed iBooks sandbox crashing issues (as of 2.8b9).* Fixed location services issues with iPhone 3GSusers running the iPad baseband (as of 2.8b9).* Re-added iPad baseband install option to iPhone 3GS.* Tethered devices are booted via iBooty which isextracted to the Desktop after running sn0wbreeze.===============================Tethered?===============================- iPhone 3GS (old bootrom)...NO- iPhone 3GS (new bootrom)..YES- iPhone 4 (GSM)............YES- iPhone 4 (CDMA)...........YES- iPod Touch 3G.............YES- iPod Touch 4..............YES- iPad 1G...................YES===============================**************************************************...

New iPhone Firmware Files

New iPhone Firmware Files5.0 (3GS): iPhone2,1_5.0_9A334_Restore.ipsw5.0 (4 GSM): iPhone3,1_5.0_9A334_Restore.ipsw5.0 (4 CDMA): iPhone3,3_5.0_9A334_Restore.ipsw5.0 (4S): iPhone4,1_5.0_9A334_Restore.ipsw5.0.1 (3GS): iPhone2,1_5.0.1_9A405_Restore.ipsw5.0.1 (4 GSM): iPhone3,1_5.0.1_9A405_Restore.ipsw5.0.1 (4 CDMA): iPhone3,3_5.0.1_9A405_Restore.ipsw5.0.1 (4S): iPhone4,1_5.0.1_9A405_Restore.i...

Hot Iphone 3GS iOS 4.1 Unlock

  Hot Iphone 3GS iOS 4.1 Unlock  2010Download part 1Download part 2Download part 3 Download part 4Download part 5Torrent Mirror L...

Sabtu, 26 November 2011

VQ Mileage Tracker untuk BlackBerry Melacak Info Perjalanan Anda Secara Otomatis

agi Anda yang suka travel dan selalu ada di jalan, Anda pasti tahu betapa repotnya kalau harus terus mencatat kilometer, waktu dan tanggal. Nah, VQ Mileage Tracker adalah jawaban dari masalah Anda. Aplikasi ini secara otomatis mengumpulkan informasi yang paling dibutuhkan. VQ mileage Tracker menggunakan GPS sekaligus Bluetooth yang terintegrasi (atau Bluetooth car charger) di kendaraan untuk menentukan kapan Anda memulai dan mengakhiri perjalanan. VQ Mileage Tracker bertugas mengumpulkan informasi untuk laporan pengeluaran Anda, termasuk tanggal dan waktu, jarak perjalanan, bahkan alamat tujuan. Cukup satu klik, Anda sudah langsung bisa membuat laporan dan mengirimnya via email. “Aplikasi-aplikasi pelacak perjalanan yang...

OS Beta untuk BlackBerry Torch 9800

RapidshareMegauploadDeposit FilesHotfileZSh...

iphone themes for 9780

Features:wallpaper easily replacedbottom 6 iconsicons iphoneHotkey$ = SMS and MMSe = ProfilesBrowserModel: 9780/9700/9650OS: 6.0Author: mobiworldThanks and as always, if you want something changed or something different, don’t hesitate to ask, I like making themes and will try to accommodate everyone I can.Downloads FreeEnjoyOTA The...

Blackberry Themes Collection OS 6

 Blackberry Themes Collection OS 6Link DownloadThemes CollectionmirrorThemes Collectionif link dead please PM me...

manchester united blackberry curve themes

Features:- 6 customizable homescreen icon- Wallpaper Friendly- sms and mms = $- calendar = c- Browser = b- Manage connectiondownloads freeOTA manches...

nike themes for blackberry curve

Features:- 9 customizable homescreen icon- Wallpaper Friendly- sms and mms = $- icons 6.1  downloads free EnjoyOTA nike the...

pink themes for blackberry curve

Features:- 7 customizable homescreen icon- Wallpaper Friendly- icons 6.1 - $ = SMS and MMS- c = calendar- b = browserthemes for 83xx/87xx/88xxOS: 4.5 downloads free EnjoyZip pink the...

blackberry pearl 8100 themes free

 I am not a professional theme builder. I take no responsibility for anything this theme may do to your BB. It was created using Theme Builder from RIM so everything should be fine. Features:- 5 customizable homescreen icon- Wallpaper Friendly- Storm Themes icons 6.1 themes for 8100OS: 4.5downloads free Enjoy...

free zebra themes for blackberry curve 8530

Features include better icons, a weather slot that you can toggle on/off just by a touch of a hotkey, Features:- 8 customizable homescreen icon- Wallpaper Friendly- Themes icons 6.0- $ = SMS and MMS- a = Contacs- b = Browser- c= Calandar- o = OptionsThemes for 85xxOS: 5.0downloads free Enjoy...

themes for blackberry curve

Features:- 6 customizable homescreen icon- Wallpaper Friendly- Storm Themes icons 6.1- $ = SMS and MMS- b = browserthemes for 85xxOS: 5.0downloads free Enjoy...

Kamis, 24 November 2011

unlock i-phone

disini saya akan sharre tutorial cara unlock device i-phonepertamapastikan device tidak disable dan sudah di jailbreak yang terinstall cydiatuts:masuk menu >> cydiasetelah masuk cydia >> masuk tab managesetelah masuk tab manage >> lalu buka source >> klo sudah ada link tinggal install tapi klo blum ada,,add source dengan mengetik lalu add seperti ini :jika terinstall maka di layar akan terlihat seperti inidevice akan reboot dan terunl...

all about jailbreak apple device wiki

jailbreak iOS jailbreaking, atau yang biasa disingkat jailbreaking, adalah proses menghilangkan batasan yang diberlakukan oleh Apple pada perangkat genggam dengan sistem operasi iOS, yakni iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad dan Apple TV generasi ke-2. Jailbreaking akan membuat sang pengguna bisa mendapatkan akses penuh (atau root access) terhadap sistem operasi, yang darinya pengguna iOS itu bisa mengunduh perangkat lunak, baik yang bajakan ataupun yang orisinil namun tidak tersedia di Apple App Store.Pada dasarnya, jailbreaking pada iOS membuat sang pengguna memiliki akses pada sistem file root yang memampukan dirinya untuk mengaktifkan serangkaian fitur yang sebelumnya dikunci oleh Apple.Aktivitas jailbreaking pada umumnya akan menggugurkan garansi dari perangkat iOS [1]. Di Amerika sendiri, aktivitas...

Loaders new 9900, 9810, 9670, 9650, 9330

Loaders new 9900, 9810, 9670, 9650, 9330 9900 https://rapidshare.c...LOADER_9810.rar9670 https://rapidshare.c...LOADER_9670.rar9650 https://rapidshare.c...LOADER_9650.rar9330 https://rapidshare.c...LOADER_9330.rar ...

JVM Error Code & Led instrument error code Description

DescriptionThe following table lists errors that can occur in the Java virtual machine (JVM) on BlackBerry devices. Contact Research In Motion® (RIM®) if you encounter any error codes not listed in this table.Value Error Description101Previous startup failedThe device was reset during the JVM boot process. The JVM found the boot in progress flag was set on startup. The screen is intended to break continuous reset loops so that corrective action can be taken.102Invalid code in filesystemThe system checked the COD files in the device for modification and determined that a problem exists with one or more COD files.If all loads fail, a build process error might occur (a problem exists with signing the COD files).If a user action on the device resulted in this problem, the reset cycle...

Fix Disabled iPod

Fix Disabled iPod &nb...

A-key Calculator v1.0 FULL

A-key Calculator v1.0 FULL   Cara pakai:1. Dobel klik a-key.key dulu baru kemudian jalankan Cave.exe2. Isi kolom ESN dan sesuaikan apakah menggunakan bilangan hex atau decimal3. Dibawah kolom ESN ada 2 kolom kiri dan kanan,yang sebelah kiri itu angka yang bisa kita isi sendiri semau kita sebanyak 20 digit. Tetapi 2 digit pertama tidak boleh diatas "11".Contoh: 06xxx,08xxx,09xxx,ataupun 11xxx tetapi tidak boleh 12xxx,dst4. Kolom kiri dan kanan digabung dan jadilah 26 digit A-Key  DOWNLOAD...

Iphone Model List According to countries

Iphone Model List According to countriesSetting>General>AboutIphone4 ModelEgypt16G MC603AB/A32G MC605AB/A******16G MC603AB/B32G MC605AB/B******************South Africa16G MC603SO/A32G MC605SO/AUnited Arab Emirates16G MC603AB/B32G MC605AB/B***************Australia16G MC603X/A32G MC605X/AChina16G MC603CH/A32G MC605CH/A****************Hong Kong16G MC603ZP/A16G MC607ZP/A32G MC605ZP/A***************Japan16G MC603J/A32G MC605J/A***************Korea16G MC603KH/A32G MC605KH/A***************Macau16G MC603ZP/A32G MC605ZP/A***************Malaysia16G MC603ZA/A32G MC605ZA/A***************New Zealand16G MC603X/A32G MC605X/A***************Philippines16G MC603PP/A32G MC605PP/A***************Singapore16G MC603ZA/A32G MC605ZA/A***************Taiwan16G...

Warning -- be aware of new iphone 3gs update not unlock it whit ipad baseband

Apple has released a brand new iPhone 3GS that have a new bootroom this 28 weeks of 2011.Version is 4.3.5 with baseband 5.14.A lot of jailbreakers and unlockers have encountered that when you update this baseband to 6.15 to unlock it,You got corrupted baseband and it cannot used anymore.Symptoms are:No wifiNo ECIDNo ImeiNo bluetoothas of now all informations i've got is all serial up to XXX109XXX is risky to update baseband.XX109XX = 1 is the year of 2011 and 09 is week 9 of 1 if serial is XX931XXX means 2009 with week 31.and its safe to update baseband.Much better check the serial first before you update to baseband 6.15THANX FOR EVERY ONE WORKS ON THIS INFO..And be carf...

Tutorial cara install android di iPhone

Tutorial cara install android di iPhoneLangsung to the point aja yah ganPREPARE YOUR IPHONEbanyak sekali pilihan untuk melakukan jailbreaking antara lain dengan menggunakan PwnageTool, Redsn0w, and Blackra1n. pilih salah satu yang cocok denganmu.untuk bisa melakukannya, pilih Cydia dari homescreen->Manage->Sources->Edit->Add. repository yang diperlukan adalah tap Add Source, biarkan Cydia bekerja lalu tap repository yang sudah kamu tambahkan dan install bootlace.tutup cydia lalu jalankan bootlace, kalo belum ada bootlace di homescreenmu reboot iphonemu. lalu jalankan bootlace dan biarkan dia mendownload patch kernel terbaru. kalo sudah selesai tap Reboot dan biarkan iphonemu melakukan rebootlalu jalankan bootlace lagi, lalu tap OpeniBoot dan tap install....


Apa itu iPhone FU & SU?:iPhone FU (Factory Unlock):* iPhone yang bisa dicolok SIM card apa aja langsung tanpa proses unlock, karena iPhone jenis ini udah diunlock langsung dari pabrik.* Keuntungan iPhone FU adalah bisa langsung dipakai tanpa harus menunggu unlock tools dulu.* Keuntungan lain iPhone FU adalah Push Notificationnya berjalan lebih sempurna.iPhone SU (Software Unlock):* iPhone yang agar bisa dipakai dengan SIM card Indonesia harus melalui proses unlock, karena iPhone jenis ini locked ke carrier negara asal.* Keuntungan iPhone SU adalah harganya yang lebih terjangkau daripada iPhone jenis FU.Bagaimana membedakan iPhone FU dan SU?Kalau berencana keluar negeri dan membeli iPhone di sana, cek dulu apakah negara itu menjual iPhone FU atau SU.Lihat link di bawah, bagian kolom Locked...

Rabu, 23 November 2011

BlackBerry Bold 9000 Keypad solution

BlackBerry Bold 9000 Keypad solutionBlackBerry Full keypad Jumper&nb...

BlackBerry Upgrade Instructions

Upgrade instructionsThis document contains information on upgrading to BlackBerry™Desktop Software version 3.6 or later. It also contains information onupgrading your BlackBerry handheld software.Contents• Upgrading the desktop software• Adding handheld applications to the desktop software• To verify whether handheld applications have been added tothe desktop software• To add handheld applications to the desktop software• Connecting to the desktop software• To verify the desktop-to-handheld connection• Loading handheld applications• System requirements• System requirements for handhelds with serial connectors• System requirements for handhelds with USB connectors2 Upgrade instructionsUpgrading the desktop software1. If it is open, close the BlackBerry Desktop Manager.2. Download the appropriate...

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